Last Home Learning Week beg 13th July!

Morning Year Six,

Can you believe that this is our last week before the summer holidays?

Thank-you to Jot who sent in her Magic Box poem for me to read it was great- I was hoping to receive some more poems from other children who aren’t in school.

Attached is the last of the home learning πŸ™‚



Spelling crossword

Y6 Weekly Work 13 July 2020

Year 6 July 13th resources

If I don’t get to speak to you before, I want to say a big good bye and good luck for September 6AB – it may not have been the end to primary school that we were expecting but at least we had a great couple of terms!

Over and out- Mrs Bridges

Quotes About Next Steps. QuotesGram




Weekly Work Week Beg 6th July

Morning Year 6!

I hope you are all still well.

I am not getting many views on here or on my Youtube videos 😦 – please make sure you are still accessing the work (remember it is still term time)!

Attached below is next weeks weekly work.

Enjoy πŸ™‚

Grammar Activity

Maths Escape Room

Maths Planning a Music Festival

Maths Summer Music Festival

Maths Summer Music Festival

PSHE Session 3 – Dare to take risks

PSHE Session 4 – Making the change

Reading Activity

Y6 Weekly Work 6 July 2020

Maths Summer Music Festival (another version)

PSHE Session 3 – Dare to take risks (another version)

PSHE Session 4 – Making the change (another version)wisp + whim: July 2015

Poems and Memories!

Year Six,

As mentioned in the home learning, please send any of your poems and memories that you have that could possibly be featured in a leavers video that Miss Hoffman and I are putting together.

Either post them on here or E-mail the office with them πŸ™‚

Happy writing!


Home Learning Week Beg 29th June

Morning Year 6!

Another Friday. I hope you have all been enjoying the sun and have been keeping well-hydrated in these hot temperatures.

Attached is this weeks home learning, as we approach the end of the year more activities will be based around reflecting upon your time at Queensway! Please do share these on the blog.

I know for those who are working at home, it is easy to feel like you have already finished school but remember there is still 3 weeks of term left and you should be working right up till the 17th July!

Grammar Activity

Grammar PowerPoint

Magic Box

Reading activity

Spelling Activity

Y6 Weekly Work 29 June 2020

Maths Activities

Keep learning!

Mrs Bridges x

Memories take us back, Dreams take us forward | Grad quotes ...

Home Learning Week Beg 22nd June

Morning Year 6!

What happened to the sunny weather?

I hope you are all well and keeping busy.

Attached is next weeks home learning- please keep commenting on the blog you have all gone very quiet.

We have had another busy week in school but have loved the writing this week- hope you have too.

I will be making more check in phone calls next week so hopefully I can manage to speak to all of those that aren’t in school at the moment to see how you are.

Maths Activities

PSHE Activities

Reading Louisiana’s Way Home

Session 1-Being awesome

Session 1 Being awesome (another version)

Session 2 – Unlocking your mind

Session 2 Unlocking your mind (another version)

Y6 Weekly Work 22 June 2020

The PSHE is all about transition this week, so please take the time to have a look at this and work through the activities- we will be doing this in school too, to ensure everyone is as prepared as possible for secondary school!

Mrs Bridges

Positive Rainy Day Quotes | Quotes - mystiekevrouwen


Home Learning beg 15th June

I hope you have all had a great week.

Those that have been in school with me have been so busy so I hope that you all have been too!

Attached is the home learning for next week.

English Before and During Lockdown

Grammar Activity

English Before and During Lockdown




Spelling Strategies

When You Grow Up Reading Comprehension

Y6 Weekly Work 15 June 2020

There are some different versions this week as I know lots of you are looking at the home learning on a tablet or a phone.

Work hard!

Mrs Bridges

460 Hard Work Quotes That Will Help You Achieve More


Home Learning Week Beg 8th June

Afternoon! It is Friday again.

How are you all??

Attached is next weeks home learning for you to do at home.

I will be making phone calls to those who aren’t in school next week so make sure you are out of bed!

I will also be uploading another video to theΒ  school’s Youtube channel, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Grammar Activity

History Activities

History Cinema and Football during the 20th Century

Maths Activities

Reading Floodworld

Y6 Weekly Work 8 June 2020


Sunny Day by Daniel | Sunny day quotes, Think happy thoughts, Words



Home Learning Week Beg 1st June

Morning 6AB!

It was nice to speak to many of you last Friday.

I hope you have all had a great half term.

Here is the home learning for next week.

Some of you are returning to school on Thursday but please do, do some/as much as you can of this home leaning Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and any you haven’t managed to complete we can look at in school.

For those not returning to school keep up the hard work at home and keep commenting on the blog to keep in touch.Β  I will be making more phone calls to you soon so have any questions ready for me to answer. πŸ™‚

Grammar 10 Min

Grammar Activity

Spelling Activity

Spelling ANSWERS



Y6 Weekly Work 1 June 2020

Enjoy the weekend and make sure you put sun cream on- it is meant to be scorcher!


36 Absolutely Beautiful Quotes About Summer | Summer quotes, Cloud ...